Kort om foreningen

Natural History Society of Denmark formål er at fremme interessen for alle sider af naturhistorien, i særlig grad zoologien. Dette gøres gennem: Foredragsmøder, ekskursioner, udlandsrejser, institutionsbesøg, bogauktioner og et årsskrift.

Torsdag d. 16/5 kl. 19:30. Universitetsparken 15B, Bygning 1, Auditorium A, 2100 København Ø

How to build a galaxy

Peter Laursen
Astrofysiker og videnskabsformidler på Cosmic Dawn Center,
Niels Bohr Institutet

Galaxies are immense collections of stars, dispersed in the vast space of the Universe. Majestic and timeless they float around, while nevertheless full of action in the form of exploding stars, black holes, and galactic collisions. Some are red and others are blue, some are flat while others are round, and some a big while others are small. Yet they are all governed by the same physical laws. What are galaxies made of, how are they created, and which processes can lead to this diversity? This talk will focus on the basic theories, as well as the latest results from the Cosmic Dawn Center, a research group under the Niels Bohr Institute and DTU Space, dedicated to unravel exactly these questions.
Foredrag den 16. maj 2024