A molecular search for the identity of the giant squid, Architeuthis

Lektor Tom Gilbert, Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, KU

In 1857, the famed Danish Naturalist Japetus Steenstrup formally described a new species of squid, Architeuthis dux. Famous not only for their appearances in fictional literature and films as the archetypical 'monster of the deep', they grow to a tremendous size, up to an estimated 13m for adult males.

Despite the fascination they hold with both scientists and the general public, very little is actually known about giant squids. Few agree on how many species there are (up to 8), let alone about basic facts of their biology including growth rate, population size, activity, preferred environment and so on. In this talk I present the results of genetic work that we have been undertaking, and how they are helping us tease new insights into this most mysterious species.

Kontakt: Tom Gilbert